News, Updates, & Resources

Buying Property Through Your Pension

One of the most tax efficient ways to purchase a property (residential or commercial) in Ireland is to get your pension to buy it. Provided you have the funds in place or you and your company can move funds into a pension structure the property can be...

Understanding the Pension Auto Enrolment Scheme

Background Ireland is currently the only OECD country that does not have a mandatory pension scheme for employees. Finally, after over 20 years of discussion and consultation, legislation was last week introduced to the Dáil that will pave the way for a new...

Things that caught my interest!

Every day I, like everyone, am bombarded by different news and messages from all directions - websites, email, social media, podcasts even the good old newspapers and radio. A cursory glance or read of the headlines is usually enough but sometimes something stands out...

NOW is the time to start your Smart Financial Habits

A recent study by EY suggested that the Covid restrictions in 2020 led to a reduction in Irish household spending in the following areas; Eating Out (-€14bn) Holidays (-€3bn) Petrol/Diesel (-€700m). While some families have had to face a reduction in take home pay,...

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Tuning out the noise

In February this year, we saw a significant, sharp fall in the value of global stocks and shares. For some of our clients, that meant a 30% drop in the size of their investment or pension fund. For other, more conservative clients the fall was less so. But it was...

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Money On Deposit? Make It Work For You Now!

Do you have money on deposit? Are you just leaving it there? Have you considered starting a regular savings plan or putting a lump sum you have accumulated in an investment? If not, then you really need to understand why now is such a great time to start saving and...

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