Financial Planning will identify what is important to you and your family.

Through our structured and open consultation we will ensure that the financial decisions that you need to make are putting the family first, now and into the future.

Coleman Financial planning have been looking after families by giving them real choice and therefore real value.

What I Can Help You With

Family Protection

There are several ways you can protect a family and it can be daunting trying to work out how much cover is required and for how long. By using Financial Planning we can tailor a solution that is flexible and unique to your family’s needs.

Emergency Savings

Have you access to funds in an emergency? Do you have enough? How much is enough? A key part to the Financial Planning process is to ensure that you have the security of knowing that money is accessible at short notice.

Protecting Income

There are many ways to protect your income. We will show you the most appropriate and tax efficient way of ensuring your finances are not impacted in the event that you are unable to work due to any illness or injury.

Savings for Future Educational Costs

School and College fees can place a big strain on a family’s budget but by putting money aside on a regular basis you may not have to face a big expense when the time comes.

Inheritance Tax Planning

With changes to the Inheritance Tax Planning laws in recent years, it has meant that families are facing huge revenue bills when they inherit an asset. Coleman Financial Planning will guide you through the various ways of reducing a future tax bill and make a recommended solution that is specific to your circumstances.


Cash flow modelling is at the heart of the Financial Planning process. By reviewing your current financial situation and projecting forward to future life events you will be able to implement simple changes now and avoid having to make difficult financial decisions down the line.

Long-term Investments

One of the great features with Coleman Financial Planning is that it can identify what funds you require and when. For savings that you need in the long term we will advise you on options that suit your investment experience and risk profile and ultimately get your money working hard.

Personal Debt

By reviewing your loans, mortgages or any other form of debt you can make significant savings to you monthly outgoings.

Illness Cover

Serious Illness Cover is now more affordable than ever before and covers a much more extensive range of illnesses. Coleman Financial Planning will be able to demonstrate what level of cover you should have and the most affordable way to get you protected.

Book Your Consultation

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+353 15313711