In February this year, we saw a significant, sharp fall in the value of global stocks and shares.
For some of our clients, that meant a 30% drop in the size of their investment or pension fund. For other, more conservative clients the fall was less so. But it was still an uncomfortable experience.
Thankfully by August most clients’ funds had recovered those losses. However, similar falls in the past have taken a lot longer to recover.
For over 200 years, markets have consistently provided positive growth to long term investors. The journey is almost always peppered with volatility which means fund values will fall and rise along the way.
The one key trait that all successful investors share is discipline.
Sticking to the plan and riding out the storm can be hard to do when the waves are 30 feet high and crashing in around you but the storm always passes.
Having a strong relationship with an adviser will help you be better prepared to live your life through the ups and downs of the market. That’s the value of discipline, perspective, and calm.
That’s the difference the right financial adviser makes.
The following clip demonstrates the value of discipline. It was produced in 2019 but was just as relevant in 2020 and will be for as long as investors look for growth.
For help in tuning out the noise, just contact us at Coleman Financial Planning.